Sunday, August 25, 2019


All I feel is pressure
Voices shouting
At me
They want me to be who they want
To do what they say
They want me to be someone
Who will be able to do all these great things
They suck the fun out of everything 
My life
It's like I'm being dragged down into a pit
Allways stressed
 I'm starting to break down
Becoming numb
To shut out the world around
But I can still feel it
The pressure on my shoulders
I see everyone having fun
Being who they want to be
LIving for themselves
While I'm stuck
Bound by the chains of their expectations
All I feel is pressure

-Stranger Z

Friday, August 23, 2019

Another person dies within me

Each year another person in me dies.
For I am not the person I was
last week,
last month,
or last year.
And they are never coming back.
I sometimes glance back into my memories
to see a person,
a former me.
We may look the same
we are from different times and minds. 
We made different choices and chose different paths.
I see me, us, looking forward 
not knowing they will no longer be with me.
Yet, sill present in my memories
of a person I once was
Each day another person dies within me.
-Stranger Z.

Hello Fellow Humans

Strangers and other people who randomly found this post while roaming the internet. 
I just wanted to note that if you read my poems, 
do not be concerned with my well being. 
All I have to say is: 
yes I am ok
no, I'm not depressed (just stressed)
and no I don't have anything wrong with me
That's all

Signing out,
Stranger Z